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Berries With Whipped Cream - A Quick Dessert (Gluten-free, Dairy-free option)

If and when you need a quick dessert that is healthier than most dessert, thin no further.

Try this simple Berries With Cream "recipe.

I feel guilty calling it a recipe, when it really is just an assembly.

A few things to pay attention to:

  • Use organic berries as most berries are on the "Dirty Dozen" list of produce with the highest pesticide levels!

  • Use organic full fat cream (raw, if available and you are OK with raw - raw dairy has amazing benefits!) with no other ingredients than CREAM!

  • Natural sweetener of choice: raw honey, Grade B maple syrup, or 2-3 drops of vanilla creme liquid stevia will do:)



2 cups organic berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries)

1 cup organic cream or coconut cream (for dairy-free)

Sweetener of choice to taste

Optional toppings: plain puffed rice, chia seeds, nuts


1) In a medium bowl, beat cream with sweetener until it turns into whipped cream

2) Rinse and cut up berries. Place in individual serving bowls

3) Top berries with whipped cream and optional toppings


Stay happy and healthy,


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